What to expect when you arrive in labour

Its so exciting when you finally think its time to head into the hospital, but what happens when you get there?
You may be thinking, will I be ready to go to Birth Suite or will I be sent home. It's a good idea to stay at home for as long as you can, until your contractions are coming close together, only a few minutes apart at least 3 contractions in 10 minutes and this lasting for at least 2hrs. This is a guide for a first-time mum.
🚩If your waters break, have any bleeding, or are concerned with baby's movements, then don't wait just head straight into hospital.
When you arrive, your Midwife will want to check a few things with you..
🤰Observations of your vitals – Blood pressure, Temperature, Heart Rate
👶Monitor your baby’s heart rate – depending on your situation, either monitoring via a doppler or CTG may be recommended
💧Check your loss – if your waters have broken
🙋♀️ Your Midwife will monitor your contractions to ensure they are strong enough to be in active labour and you may be offered a vaginal examination – this is something you can decline, if you don’t feel comfortable with.
📖 The Midwife caring for you will go through your history and may ask you some questions about previous birth and your current pregnancy such as any recent scans, placenta position and your recent pathology.
💡It’s important to have a discussion (in between your contractions) what your plans, wishes or thoughts are for labour and birth.
💉Sometimes you may be offered an IV cannula, but this is not always necessary. This will depend on your previous history, current medical condition, your admission observations, induction process or pain relief requests.
Now, its time to get comfortable in your room, take a shower, use a birth ball, play some relaxing music and get in your zone.